Saturday, January 9, 2010

1 comment:

  1. True, and the loss of the... sophistication? of Playboy and its like is pard of what I call the Dumbing Down of America. But on another tack--buying the magazine in your local neighbourhood drugstore reminds me of another small town in the late '60s. Several girls from the general area ended up in residence, and we used to gently tease one girl about her father being indirectly responsible for many of the unplanned teen pregnancies of the area. No, he wasn't some sort of pervert. He was the friendly grandfatherly pharmacist in the only drugstore in town. How could a boy go to the counter to get condoms, or a girl bring in a prescription for that new stuff, the Pill, with this nice person, looking similar to Santa Clause out of uniform and beard, welcoming you. Nope. Hence, the unprotected sex, and "it was all his fault!"
